Children & Kids | 20 x 30’


Fiction | 20 x 30’

The story of eight teenagers travelling to Mars for a critical mission in preparation for settlement on the planet. The series takes place in 2045, where we follow the young astronauts on two timelines: During preparations in their impressive training camp on Earth, called DreaMars, and from their emergency landing in the most dangerous area of Mars, where they discover huge discrepancies between what they were taught and the actual reality in the field. While trying to complete their mission, the teenagers experience true friendships, first loves, quarrels, crises and youthful mischief. Dramatic revelations will threaten to tear them apart and even destroy the chance to save humanity.

  • Airdate: 2023
  • Creator(s): Sivan Shiknaji (Kadbara, the Well), Haim Avihail (The Reign of the Shadows, the Dreamers, Enigma), Miki Yosef (Our Treasure) & Shuli Sheindel
  • Producer(s): STORYZ Productions in coproduction with Sklan&Ka and Samka Group
  • Copyrights :

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