
Birth of a Conflict

Documentary | 3 x 60’

The Birth of a Confl­ict is a documentary series that explores the deep-rooted origins of the Israeli-Palestinian con­flict through a British vantage point and the historical lens of the 30-year-long British Mandate in Palestine (1917-1948). We uncover how the controversial Israeli-Palestinian con­flict can find its roots in two disingenuous promises that were made to both Arabs and Jews. The ultimate goal was to give birth to new autonomous nations—as we know, it didn’t go as planned.

  • Airdate: 2023
  • Creator(s): Sivan Shiknaji (Kadbara, the Well), Haim Avihail (The Reign of the Shadows, the Dreamers, Enigma), Miki Yosef (Our Treasure) & Shuli Sheindel
  • Producer(s): NGI Production in co-production with SKLANandKA
  • Copyrights:

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